How to add pages to the Main Menu of your Shopify store

Separate pages dedicated to rewards, referral programs, and share-review are not available to customers using the new V2 version of Growave. This applies to all clients who installed our application after January 22, 2024. If you wish to use Growave version V1, please contact us at, and we'll be happy to assist you.

Once you install the app and confirm the subscription, Growave automatically creates pages for the various functions so you can use them instead of some widgets.

The main pages include(by clicking on the link you may view the example of the page on the demo-store):

You may find those pages in the Pages section of Shopify.

You may use Rewards, Wishlist, and Reviews pages instead of floating tabs on the store. You may disable the Rewards tab from the Admin editor section and the Reviews and Wishlist tabs from the Wishlist settings and Reviews settings

Now moving on to add those pages to the Navigation, you may open this section and choose the desired menus:

Then click on the "Add menu item" inside the menu settings:

In the "Link" section, choose the "Pages" option. Find the desired page, give out the name of the link, and click on the "Add" button:

Click on the "Save" button to finish.

That's how you do it! You may view the results reflected on your site in the navigation menu.

Hope it was helpful! Please, let us know at or by chat icon at the bottom-right corner if you have any questions or need further assistance.